Build Relationships
There is work each of us can and should do on our own to confront racism – especially if we’re white. But this project of promoting racial justice and healing is ultimately about community, which calls for building relationships across the barrier of race. Such cross-racial connections can further open our hearts and minds; help disarm the biases which are within each of us; and give us an even greater stake in this work for racial justice and healing as we move from the conceptual and general to the personal and the particular.
Interwoven Congregations helps faith communities develop relationships across the racial divide – on an individual one-to-one basis, with other community groups, and/or through partnerships with other faith communities with a different racial composition. With congregational partnerships, relationships can be initiated and nurtured through joint leadership connections, shared worship services, joint mission projects, shared social activities and more. Over time, these relationships can spring up organically between the faith communities, spawning a range of connections that in themselves lead to greater understanding, further commitments for justice, and measures of healing.
Contact us if you would like to join the Interwoven Congregations network and be an agent for racial justice and healing.